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2019-12-18 23:08:52 评论 分享


 Du Xiyun  2019 年 9 月 4 日 / September 4, 2019

1961 年出生的任军,从“雕塑”这个造型艺术的门类入手,最初追求“前卫艺术”的单纯理想, 后来投身到社会现场的滚滚洪流中,遭遇着社会现场里种种意料之中和意料之外的人和事。

Ren Jun, born in 1961, started his career from the artistic category of "sculpture", and  initially pursued the simple ideal of "avant-garde art". Later, he devoted himself to the torrent  of the social scene, encountering all kinds of expected and unexpected people and events  in the society. 

 在和复杂多变的现场中各种人、物、事博弈的过程中,他对世故人情、后果前因、文化制度等的认 识与日俱增。不觉间,飞逝的时光把他推到全球风云聚会的当下,出于艺术家直觉、反思、表达的习惯, 大大小小的《水》系列雕塑问世。这些形态各异的不锈钢“水”,作为蕴含能量的无定形物,朝着四面 八方流淌涌动,朝向不确定的前方,凝聚着他对时代潮流、社会动向、人心潜欲等的综合体会。

In the process of gaming with different people, things and events in the sophisticated  and volatile society, he has a growing understanding of the ways of the world, antecedents  and consequences, and cultural systems, etc. As time goes by, he has been unconsciously  pushed to the present moment facing upon the ever-changing world, and created the  series of sculptures of “Water” with different sizes, large and small, stemming from an  artist’s habit of intuition, reflection and expression. These different shapes of stainless  steel "Water", as an amorphous material containing energy, will flow in all directions and  roll forward to the uncertainty, cohering his comprehensive experience of the times, social  trends, and human desires.

艺术史作为知识背景,潜移默化着他的美学判断。但他基本是在直觉和激情的驱动下创造,以致这 些镜面不锈钢铸造出的点线团块明显透露着他的个人气质,美学方面的独特性自然出现:强劲粗重、放 肆狂野,甚至有意无意的无节制生长。这种独特性,让他和别人(尤其是讲究秩序、章法、尺度的人) 拉开差异,自成样态。 His aesthetic judgments are influenced by the history of art subtly as his knowledge  background; however, he was basically driven to create by intuition and passion, so that  the dotted lines made of these mirror finished stainless steels clearly revealed his personal  temperament. The aesthetic uniqueness naturally appeared: strong and heavy, unbridled  and wild, and even uncontrolled growth intentionally or unintentionally. This uniqueness  differentiates him with other artists, particularly those who pay attention to the order, rules  and criterion, and allows him to be himself. 

 当下是稍纵即逝的,在回顾过去、眺望未来中审视当下,会从《水》中产生丰富的感受。宇宙浩瀚 无涯深邃莫测,生命却极其偶然和短暂。作为能量流的《水》,是对人莫衷一是的心理欲求、精神状态 的模拟,是对复杂难辨的时代局势的发问。同时,也是艺术家在美学语言方面的推进和嬗变。艺术家生 产了特定的视觉信息,它是文化语境的产物。这本书把《水》诞生的过程,和它在多个方面的特点,以 图文对照的方式汇编出来,期待观者们不同视角和丰富信息的互动。 The present is fleeting. Gazing at the moment when looking back at the past and  looking forward to the future, we will generate rich feelings from the “Water”. The universe  is wild and unpredictable, but life is extremely accidental and transient. “Water”, as the  flow of energy, is a simulation of the uncertain psychological desires and mental states of  people, a question on the complicated situation of the times, and meanwhile, a promotion  and evolution of the aesthetic language by the artist as well. The artist produces the specific  visual information, which is an outcome of cultural contexts. This book compiles the process  of the birth of "Water", and its characteristics in many aspects via pictures and words,  looking forward to interacting the different perspectives and rich information with readers.

